What is a Cub Scout?
Scouting was originally for boys aged 11 to 18, but Robert Baden-Powell was soon being asked by their younger brothers if they could join as well. Baden-Powell was aware of the physical and mental differences of the younger boys and he designed the Taining Scheme for “Junior Scouts” (as they were originally called) to allow for these differences whilst staying true to the principles and ideas of the original “Boy Scouts”.
In 1914, he produced his plans for “Junior Scouts” in response to these demands from boys under 11 years of age. The handbook for the “Junior Scouts” was based upon the works of Rudyard Kipling, who had already produced a number of books for the Scout Movement, and in particular on “The Jungle Book” for the Cub Scout Leaders and Helpers.
Cub Scouting began in 1916 when “Junior Scouts” became “Wolf Cubs”. The Original activities were constantly being changed and developed until, in 1966, a number of major changes were introduced into the Scout Movement as a whole and “wold Cubs” became “Cub Scouts”. New Activity Badges were added to the Progressive Training Scheme with the emphasis now on the individual to reach their own level dependent on their individual talents and abilities.
True to the original ideas of Robert Baden-Powell, Cub Scouting still seeks to meet the aim of the Scout Association to encourage the physical, mental, and spiritual development of young people so they may take a constructive place in society. By offering Adventure and Challenge through the Progressive Training Scheme that leads the young Cub Scout through a series of tasks and duties that will test and extend their individual abilities and prepare them for their move to Scouts.
Cub Scouts are youngsters aged between 8 and 10 1/2 years old, who are members of a Cub Scout Pack. The Cub Scout Leader runs the Pack with a team of Assistants who all give their time freely and have had special training to help them do an effective job. Because Cub Scouting, by tradition, has adapted many ideas from Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” many of the leaders are known to the youngsters by the names of the animals in this book. The youngsters usually call the Cub Scout Leader “Akela”, and other adults may be Baloo, Bagheera, Chil or Kaa. The adult Leaders are responsible for planning and running the programme of games and activities for Pack meetings and special outings and events. The youngsters work in small groups called Sixes which are lead by older Cub Scouts called Sixers.
The Cub Pack has several simple ceremonies, one of which is the Investiture to which you may be invited, when your youngster will be asked to make a promise and they will also be asked to try and keep the Cub Scout Law.
The Cub Scout Promise is adaptable to suit the religious beliefs of the individual Cub Scout and their Parents. The Cub Scouts are a multicultural, multi-faith organisation as are all the sections of the Scouts from the Beaver Scouts through to the Explorer Scouts and beyond.